D'Arcy Wellness
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Lyme Support Program

Steps for Lyme Support

  • Understand Lyme Disease Read: Article & slideshow

  • Horowitz Evaluation: See what your Lyme score is before you start, and then re-take it periodically.

  • Follow the D’Arcy Lyme Protocol and Herbal Protocol.

  • Do the Stress-Relief Program.

  • Work with a Lyme Literate MD and Acupuncturist

If Lyme disease is not diagnosed and treated early, the spirochetes can spread and may go into hiding in different parts of the body. Weeks, months or even years later, patients may develop problems with the brain and nervous system, muscles and joints, heart and circulation, digestion, reproductive system, and skin. Symptoms may disappear even without treatment and different symptoms may appear at different times.

Lyme disease (LD) is an infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a type of bacterium called a spirochete that is carried inside the stomachs of ticks. These ticks are in turn, carried by deer, mice and chipmunks. (Ticks can be as small as the period at the end of this sentence, sometimes barely visible to the naked eye.) Transmission has also been confirmed to come from mites, and biting flies. When an infected tick bites, it can take up to 12 to 48 hours of feeding to transmit the spirochete bacteria. The degree of infection and how severe or chronic the symptoms become is directly related to the health of our immune system. If left un-treated or un-defeated by our immune system, and a beachhead is established, this amazing stealth bacterium can thrive and multiply. It travels through the blood stream and tries to establish itself in various body tissues. It has a special affinity for joints, collagen in skin, knees, (causing joint pain and swellings,) the aqueous humor of the eye, the meninges of the brain and heart tissue. 

Many of us have heard of the “bull’s eye rash,” the known indicator that we’ve had a tick bite.  The “bull’s-eye” usually appears 3 to 30 days after infection; however this is not fool proof; only 30-50% of those infected have had such a rash.

Chronic Lyme Disease: 

Untreated or undertreated Lyme can cause some people to develop severe symptoms that are hard to resolve. This condition may be referred to as post-treatment Lyme disease (PTLD) or chronic Lyme disease (CLD). We don’t know exactly how many people who are diagnosed and treated remain ill. CDC estimates range from 10-20%. A recent study of early Lyme disease treated at EM rash reported 36% remain ill. (Aucott 2013)

Stagnation is the enemy!

This protocol shifts over time the environment that help Lyme survive and thrive, to an anti-lyme body-mind ecology. Lyme loves…

  • Stagnation

  • Inactivity

  • Lack of circulation of blood and energy

  • Hypothyroidism, slow stagnant metabolisms

For the D’Arcy Integrative Lyme Disease Protocol you should be under the care of a Lyme Literate MD, and integrate D’Arcy Protocol

Six points for movement and circulation:

  1. Heat

  2. Diet

  3. Exercise

  4. Herbal Formulas 

  5. Acupuncture 

  6. Stress Relief


Heat Against Lyme

Heat can kill off the Lyme bacteria at 107 degrees. This needs to be done under strict medical supervision. For our purposes even fevers can kill off bacteria. 1920 Syphilis treatments in European sanitoriums gave patients malaria. For this protocol we need to use heat to create circulation, to remove stagnation daily. 

  • Far InfraRed Sauna

  • Baths, epsom salts

  • Steam


Hard Exercise Against Lyme

Hard exercise, responsibly, proportional to your energy level. Do not overdo, daily regular routines that are incrementally increased little by little, over weeks and months. Exercise increases circulation of blood and energy.


Diet Against Lyme

Anti-Inflammatory Diet. A Diet high in Fruits and Veggies, without processed foods, low in animal protein, creates and anti-inflammatory, alkaline environment.

  • Green Power Formula added daily into a smoothie

  • Juicing daily, Anti-inflammatory compounds

  • 5 to 10 Portions of fruits and veggies



Acupuncture is great to treat and support all of the various symptom pictures of the various stages of Lyme. Moving stuck ‘Qi’ (energy), gets stuck that forms areas where Lyme infections can escape the immune system. Moving stuck ‘blood’ taking away symptoms of pain and stagnation.


Stress Relief Against Lyme

‘Switch-off’ Stress, ‘Switch-on’ the Immune System!

20 minutes a day of a progressive relaxation technique. It takes 5 weeks daily to be able to produce a relaxation-response at will and turn-off the switch that produces the fight-or-flight response. Relaxation = Alkalinity, Anti Inflammatory, Anti-Angiogenic & Anti-Bacterial environment.

Stress Relief Mind-Body Program


Herbal Formulas for Lyme Support


LD-Support, $37.99

Herbal support for Lyme Disease*

Indications: Lyme Borrelia, Borrelia burgdorferi, Bull's eye rash, ticks, tick bite,
Lyme disease, Parkinson's, MS, ALS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.

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Bio Film Breakdown, $34.99

Support during treatment for Lyme and co-infections*

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SGS-Brocco, $39.99

Supports healthy liver function and detoxification*

Indications: Cancer Protection. Detoxification Support.

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Organic Powder Shrooms, $38.99

Supports and nourishes the body’s defenses*

Dosage: 2 capsules, three times daily.
Maintenance: 1 capsule, three times daily.

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“The ILADS guidelines stress the importance of a doctor’s clinical judgment in making the diagnosis, because the scientific literature has found that the existing testing is unreliable. The IDSA narrowly restricts the diagnosis to include the CDC criteria. However, many doctors in the United States do not follow IDSA guidelines. Instead, my model allows Lyme to be redefined as MSIDS: a clinical syndrome that encompasses multiple overlapping factors that keep patients chronically ill.” Richard Horowitz, MD

We encourage you to seek advice from a Lyme literate medical professional. Visit the Patient Support Organization.

*Disclaimer: The wellness information on this site is intended only for general informational purposes and not intended as medical advice or a substitute for advice from a medical professional. It has not been reviewed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. We encourage you to seek advice from a competent medical professional regarding the applicability of any recommendations, with regard to your symptoms or condition. If you are currently taking a prescription medication, you absolutely must work with your doctor before discontinuing any drug or altering any drug regime. No doctor-patient relationship is established between D’Arcy Wellness and you, by reason of your use of this site, or under any circumstances whatsoever. Individual inquiries about medical issues, or sensitive or confidential matters should be addressed to the appropriate health care professionals.

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